
Waterproofing Irrigation Canals

As we all know, water is a very scarce commodity in South Africa and we rely heavily on our concrete canal systems to deliver our towns and cities this precious resource. Poorly maintained canals can result in the major loss of water and only by regular maintenance and waterproofing our concrete canals can we minimize this potentially devastating loss.

Toro Waterproof Coatings has extensively studied and tested various methods and products to waterproof these life-giving concrete canals. The product that has given us and our customers the best results is VAEPLAN. This is a fleeced lined sheeting made of vinyl acrylic ether and is manufactured in Belgium in the European Union. The VAEPLAN product is supplied in rolls which makes it easy to transport, handle, and to apply. Once the canal has been lined, the sheeting is secured by using mechanical systems.

Any damage to the VAEPLAN sheeting is easily repaired by using the “patch” method. The patch or any joining is done by solvent welding. Toro Waterproof Coatings offers this product with a 15-year guarantee and as part of the contract, we agree to service the lined canal every year.

To find out more simply contact Toro at 041 581 0400 or email us at info@torowaterproofcoatings.co.za.

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