
Roof Repair Tips

How to Waterproof A Roof

There are 4 basic steps to follow when waterproofing your roof:

  1. Plan
  2. Clean
  3. Seal
  4. Paint

1. Plan

Calculate the size of your roof (m²) before you start and make sure you have enough paint to apply two coats. You will require the following tools for the job:

  • Ladder – make sure that the ladder is properly secured
  • Paintbrushes
  • Wire brush
  • Broom
  • Sandpaper
  • Sharp scissors
  • Safety gloves and goggles to protect yourself.

2. Clean

Before any waterproofing or painting can be done, the roof must be thoroughly cleaned. Use a broom and wire brush to remove all debris.  If a high-pressure sprayer is available, it is suggested that it be used to rid the roof of all loose matter.

3. Seal

All waterproofing sealers and paints should be applied to sound surfaces for the best results. Check for cracks and gaps on the roof and fill these with a flexible sealer. Use a membrane if the cracks and gaps are large. Replace broken tiles.

Common areas where leaks occur:

  • Cracked or broken tiles
  • Cappings
  • Flashings
  • Parapet walls
  • Chimneys
  • Gutters (poor drainage can cause leaks)
  • Overlaps of IBR sheets
  • Buckled IBR sheets
  • Dark, dirty spots where there has been ponding
  • Roof screws and washers – replace where necessary

4. Paint

For painting you have a choice of two waterproofing coatings:

  1. If you are painting for aesthetic reasons, use acrylic roof paint. This will be cheaper since it is like a regular paint job. To apply the paint you can use a brush, roller or spray equipment.
  2. A waterproofing paint that has a built-in membrane is fibrous and will be thicker than normal paint. This product is excellent for sealing small cracks. The job will take longer since the application will be by brush.

If these steps are followed a successful DIY job will be guaranteed.

For more information contact Toro at 041 581 0400 or email us at

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